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"After months of planning and preparation, the first release from Magic Man is ready for you to hear. The songs were written at several different locations in France, including a chateau, a farm, a circus festival, and a beach cottage and brought back home to the states for further recording and editing (most of which was done in small dorm rooms and transmitted between band members with the aid of the world wide web).

Real Life Color is brought to you with the help of the lovely folks over at Arcade Sound Ltd. (

We've put a lot of work into these ten songs and would really like you to hear them, so we've decided to put the entire album up for free download. You don't have to pay anything (unless, of course, you feel strongly compelled to do so)--all we ask is that, if you like the songs, please share them with anyone you think will enjoy them as well." (Bandcamp)

Magic Man myspace
