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Benjamin Thompson
Thomas Roche
Luke Zahnleiter
Matthew Cook

"A masterpiece woven together with a staggering sense of vision" - N0TED.NET (EU)

"If you ever cared for Sonic Youth, My Bloody Valentine, Deerhunter or Boris (in heavy gaze mode) then this will be one of your top albums of 2013, thank me later. A beautiful, totally zero-fucks-given, last-ditch all-out swan song from one of Brisbane’s best ever bands." - THE VINE

"When it plays on my stereo, all I can hear is some kids from Toowoomba staring into their bedroom walls thinking, “Imagine if I made my life into something magical.” - MESS AND NOISE

"The most beautiful album released by any Brisbane or Australian band in 2013." 10/10 - HEAVY AND WEIRD

"The Rational Academy have never felt more relevant, more alive – more there – in any of their other incarnations." - SONIC MASALA

Produced by The Rational Academy
Mixed by Cameron Smith & The Rational Academy
Mastered by Lawrence English @ 121
Artwork & Layout by The Rational Academy

Recorded by Cameron Smith @ Incremental Recording Studios
Additional Recording by Cameron Silk, Todd Dixon & Benjamin Thompson

The Rational Academy facebook
